"I realized that the purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!"
-Calvin & Hobbes-

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Message for the New Year

I was telling Mum certain challenges I would face at work in the Year 2010. Basically I was whining so much I'm sure mum's ears were probably ringing. *whine whine whine*

Few days later I found this message written in the Kog sent to me:

Lost are many who get mired in the events of daily living
mpossible seems the problems that pile up in Life

ime of distress outshine all happy moments
nly the wise can see and make the balance
eeping sanity as one plods through the stormy days

nots of worries wrinkle the mind
atching this, one must be clear and steady of mind
lways be prepared to let events flow
Into the arena of calmness all too shall eventually flow

I will plod on smilingly and calmly...while keeping my sanity intact

1 comment:

  1. Erm, as to your mum's wishes, I can add a few more 'unsaid' criteria:
    1. Malaysian
    2. Professional and well-educated
    3. Non-smoker, non-gambler, non-cheater
    4. Responsible
    I think an ad in the newspapers should do it... :-)
